Komplet písem Adobe.
Obsahuje více než 2400 řezů písem z knihovny Adobe Type Library, odemčených a připravených k použití na platformách Macintosh a Windows. Všechna písma ve formátu OpenType, řada z nich ve verzi Pro obsahující i CE znakovou sadu. V ceně všechny dostupné lokalizace ve formátu AT1.
Design with superior typefaces - Expand your design options with more than 2,400 high-quality OpenType fonts from world-renowned foundries, including Adobe, ITC, Linotype, and Monotype Imaging; innovative firms such as LetterPerfect and MVB Fonts; and talented individual designers, such as Jovica Veljović and Michael Harvey
Enjoy OpenType flexibility - Simplify font management thanks to a single, cross-platform font file. The OpenType format displays and prints fonts on both Mac OS and Microsoft Windows and can be used alongside existing font formats in all your documents.
Publish multilingual documents - Publish multilingual documents using OpenType Pro fonts that support Central and Eastern European languages, as well as OpenType fonts that support Japanese, Korean, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew, and Devanagari.
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